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Quarterly Downtown Update: January 2017

Exciting changes are popping up in downtown Winston-Salem. Wake Forest Innovation Quarter is proud to call downtown home and participate in the vibrant community growing here. Developments happening downtown—whether big or small—are successes worth celebrating. Here are some of the recent changes and additions to…

Innovation Quarter Zipcar: New Paths for Urban Mobility

Zipcar, a community car-sharing service, recently arrived at Wake Forest Innovation Quarter and is already forging new paths for downtown mobility in Winston-Salem. A staple for urban-dwellers in large cities throughout the United States, Zipcar is an affordable and eco-friendly alternative to the use of…

People of the Innovation Quarter: Meet Amy Creason

Amy Creason is a transplant, one of the many people brought to Winston-Salem by the revitalization of downtown. This transplant has taken to the City of Arts and Innovation like a fish to water, like a fundraiser to shaving heads. Don’t worry; we’ll get to…

Wake Downtown: Liberal Arts Education in an Innovation Ecosystem

In a sunny corner meeting room at Flywheel Coworking, complete with a view of Bailey Park and downtown Winston-Salem, Aaron Lazarus gathers with his closest advisors—an entrepreneur, a business school professor and a pharmacologist. At 24 years old, Lazarus is the founder and chief executive…

From the President: Building Vibrant Community

Often when I speak about Wake Forest Innovation Quarter, I refer to it as a community. That is more than just a nice buzzword meant to conjure images of people milling about, engaged in various activities. Community is actually at the very heart of what…

Winston-Salem Heart & Stroke Walk: Blazing a New Trail Together

Two colors will join the autumn landscape in downtown Winston-Salem this October. Red and white caps from the American Heart Association will dot the crowd of walkers who come to support their community at the Winston-Salem Heart & Stroke Walk. This year, attendees will walk…

A Start-up Grows Up in the Innovation Quarter

The moment they met, Rob Arnold knew Nathan Powell was the one to help him get Threat Sketch—Rob’s cybersecurity start-up—off the ground. “I showed Nathan what I was working on, and when he said ‘I know what you’re doing. I understand that,’ I was so…

Bailey Blues & Bluegrass: A Revival of Old-Time Soul

When Richard Emmett walks the streets of downtown Winston-Salem, his mind looks past the present landscape and sees shades of the past. Before Trade Street was the Arts District, it was known as Old Town Street, and it drew rural farmers into town to sell…

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