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13 Leaders With Innovation Quarter Connections Named 2018 Triad Power Players

As the Triad continues to reposition itself as a leader in innovation and entrepreneurship, community-focused leaders and executives are directing the charge in spurring economic growth and transforming the workforce. The Triad Business Journal recently released its 2018 Triad Power Players list, which recognizes “leaders…

Vison for Bailey South Winston-Salem

For Coleman Team it wasn’t an easy decision. It was the only decision that really made any sense. Standing on the corner of Fourth Street and N. Patterson Avenue a little over a year ago, Team could see the future laid out in front of…

4 Ways Winston-Salem Creates a Hub for Entrepreneurs

As Winston-Salem develops into a regional driver of innovation, the city has grown rapidly into a hub of entrepreneurship. Today, there is a depth of resources and support for start-ups that did not exist even five years ago. This entrepreneurial hub is supported by four…

Inmar: Moving Forward in the Innovation Quarter

What happens when you make a purchase – online, in-store, at the pharmacy? While you go home with the product, that purchase detail is put into an infrastructure that works behind the scenes to help make future purchases and interactions easier and more efficient by…

Bailey Power Plant Transformation Revealed

For more than 20 years, Bailey Power Plant—located in the heart of downtown Winston-Salem, N.C.—stood dormant. The building once provided coal-fired power to the tobacco warehouses that surround it. Now, thanks to the transformation by the Innovation Quarter, one of the fastest-growing innovation districts in…

Business 40 Shutdown: Q&A with NCDOT’s Pat Ivey

Whether you work or live in the Innovation Quarter, come here periodically for our community events or just to visit Bailey Park, how you come and go from here will be affected in just a few short months. The shutdown and reconstruction of Business 40…

Long Branch Trail Enhances City Connectivity

The sun is beginning to peak around the bend of the trail. She can see a corner of light edging above the embankment to her right. The first rays of the day turn one side of the tall green blades into a grassy gold. The…

Making Winston-Salem’s Workforce More Inclusive

How Goler Community Development Corporation is Making Winston-Salem's Workforce More Inclusive Michael Suggs’ view of downtown Winston-Salem used to be, well, higher. In the almost 20 years that he worked in marketing and government relations for Reynolds American, Inc., he would look out from his…

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