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Diversity and Inclusion in Innovation Districts

Not unlike the innovation process, collaboration and diversity play a role in advancing inclusion. However, realizing a genuine sense of inclusion also requires intention. Leading innovation districts are built on strategies where inclusion is woven into all aspects of its development—and it shows. These areas…

Top 3 Innovation District Best Practices

Innovation districts are popping up across the world, dismantling the norms of the workaday world and breathing new life into under-performing spaces. However, many underestimate what goes into establishing one that can drive such transformative disruption. It isn’t just about reinventing shared physical spaces—it’s about…

Health Equity Initiatives in the Innovation Quarter

Discover how iQ community members—from med students to leaders in clinical care and research—are working to alleviate health inequities at home and nationally. Winston-Salem has some of the largest health and economic disparities in the country—and our community is helping lead the charge for change.…

How Innovation Ecosystems Fuel Downtown Revitalization

Successful innovation districts become hatching grounds that allow intellect, leaders and communities to grow. Not only do they provide the physical space and an innovation ecosystem from which ideas can spring forward, but they are also catalysts for positive change in the immediate surrounding areas.…

What Is an Innovation District?

What You Need to Know About Innovation Districts Visit almost any thriving metropolitan area, and you’ll notice at least one thing they have in common—a section of the city that’s buzzing with activity. Here you’ll find professionals, students and families mingling amongst each other; buildings…

5 Ways the Coal Pit Invigorates Winston-Salem

The Coal Pit at the Innovation Quarter once housed—you guessed it—the coal that fueled the factories and warehouses of R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. For decades, this massive energy generator fed Winston-Salem's economy as well—employing men and women alike, including a large percentage from the Black…

WFIRM & MIMEDX Partnership In Regenerative Medicine Field

Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM) recently announced a new partnership with MIMEDX, an industry leader in using amniotic tissue as a platform for regenerative medicine. Located in the Innovation Quarter, WFIRM is recognized as an international leader in translating scientific discovery into clinical…

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