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Biomanufacturing In Space: Axiom Space’s Bold Vision

Some things are worth traveling for. We drive the extra hour to one-of-a-kind restaurants, we cross state lines for best-in-class specialists and we travel days to experience unrivaled natural wonders. One day, there will be products that we have to travel across the Kármán Line…

How to Boost Employee Morale – Innovation Districts Know Ways

We know that happy, engaged employees are more productive — they bring heightened energy to their work, inspire others and are motivated to do their best. As workplace environment and work-life balance are major contributors to employee morale, innovation districts are proof that work and…

Three Leading Innovation District Examples

The Global Institute on Innovation Districts established the Global Network of Innovation Districts to promote and facilitate collaboration among innovation districts. As part of the GIID’s Global Network, the Innovation Quarter has shared learnings and experiences that have guided others to overcome challenges. We’ve also…

How Winston-Salem is Becoming a Hub for Regenerative Medicine

What if life-saving treatments didn’t depend on the availability of donor organs or finding a compatible match? What if we could renew the functionality of dysfunctional or diseased cells, tissues or organs through new growth and cell production? These “what ifs” are just a glimpse…

The Best Things to Do in Winston-Salem this Summer

There’s no beach or mountain within Winston-Salem’s city limits, but that doesn’t mean our city isn’t a destination for summer fun. Whether you’re planning a staycation or are looking to get to know the city a little bit better, there are plenty of activities and…

American College of Surgeons awarded Dr. Anthony Atala, WFIRM

Without a doubt one of the most impactful areas of research and development happening today in the Innovation Quarter is that of regenerative medicine. And Dr. Anthony Atala, leader of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, is leading the way. That pioneering work is…

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