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How Public Spaces can Engage Your Community and Improve Quality of Life The Definition of Placemaking Placemaking is an intentional use of public spaces to strengthen community connections among people and a place itself. Placemaking can manifest in many forms, from a public park equipped…

We’re Thankful for Our Community

Seven Things We're Grateful for about the Innovation Quarter In the spirit of the season, we’re reflecting on our community—its beauty, strength, diversity, resilience and creativity—and how thankful we are for the people and organizations that make the Innovation Quarter a place for all to…

How Anchor Institutions Help Develop Highly Innovative Areas

Anchor institutions are named with intention—these prominent research universities, medical centers and cultural institutions are rooted in their cities and have the economic means to support themselves and often other aspects of their communities. Many successful innovation districts lean into anchor institutions for ongoing collaboration…

Academic-Industry Collaboration Best Practices

All too often, we hear about the barriers to academic-industry collaboration and parnterships. Academia moves too slowly for eager startups. Risk-averse, financially motivated corporations stifle academic research and development. The truth is, partnerships between academic and corporate entities are becoming key to accelerating research, innovation…

How Innovation Ecosystems Fuel Downtown Revitalization

Successful innovation districts become hatching grounds that allow intellect, leaders and communities to grow. Not only do they provide the physical space and an innovation ecosystem from which ideas can spring forward, but they are also catalysts for positive change in the immediate surrounding areas.…

What Is an Innovation District?

What You Need to Know About Innovation Districts Visit almost any thriving metropolitan area, and you’ll notice at least one thing they have in common—a section of the city that’s buzzing with activity. Here you’ll find professionals, students and families mingling amongst each other; buildings…

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