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Top Innovation Districts Find Partnerships that Drive Growth

The most robust and impactful innovation districts are anchors within their communities, but they don’t achieve greatness independently. Strategic partnerships—both public and private—are vital to growing innovation districts and helping them thrive. Key Benefits of Partnerships Organizations have different strengths—some are exemplary at fundraising and…

Academic-Industry Collaboration Best Practices

All too often, we hear about the barriers to academic-industry collaboration and parnterships. Academia moves too slowly for eager startups. Risk-averse, financially motivated corporations stifle academic research and development. The truth is, partnerships between academic and corporate entities are becoming key to accelerating research, innovation…

Health Equity Initiatives in the Innovation Quarter

Discover how iQ community members—from med students to leaders in clinical care and research—are working to alleviate health inequities at home and nationally. Winston-Salem has some of the largest health and economic disparities in the country—and our community is helping lead the charge for change.…

How Innovation Ecosystems Fuel Downtown Revitalization

Successful innovation districts become hatching grounds that allow intellect, leaders and communities to grow. Not only do they provide the physical space and an innovation ecosystem from which ideas can spring forward, but they are also catalysts for positive change in the immediate surrounding areas.…

WFIRM & MIMEDX Partnership In Regenerative Medicine Field

Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM) recently announced a new partnership with MIMEDX, an industry leader in using amniotic tissue as a platform for regenerative medicine. Located in the Innovation Quarter, WFIRM is recognized as an international leader in translating scientific discovery into clinical…

Wake Forest’s Second Campus in Charlotte

As the academic anchor of the Innovation Quarter, the economic benefits of having Wake Forest School of Medicine are evident in a city like Winston-Salem. For years, Charlotte has been the largest city in the U.S. without a four-year medical school. That's about to change.…

Winston-Salem’s hottest startup aims to disrupt the world of blockchain

Tucked behind Turbine Hall in Winston-Salem's Bailey Power Plant, you’ll find Fluree. The tech start-up, which recently had to expand its space to make room for a growing number of employees, is developing a blockchain-based data platform that enables companies to communicate—and trust—their data. In…

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