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How to Boost Employee Morale – Innovation Districts Know Ways

We know that happy, engaged employees are more productive — they bring heightened energy to their work, inspire others and are motivated to do their best. As workplace environment and work-life balance are major contributors to employee morale, innovation districts are proof that work and…

Why Are Innovation Districts Great Mixed-Use Projects?

Mixed-use developments can come in many different shapes and sizes. Some may be small, like a corner store with apartments above it, while others may be large-scale developments that include office space, retail space and residential units all in one complex. No matter the size…

Three Leading Innovation District Examples

The Global Institute on Innovation Districts established the Global Network of Innovation Districts to promote and facilitate collaboration among innovation districts. As part of the GIID’s Global Network, the Innovation Quarter has shared learnings and experiences that have guided others to overcome challenges. We’ve also…

Innovation District Master Plan Tips

Before jumping into funding or growth strategies, it’s important to understand why an innovation district should exist in the first place. Identifying its purpose and defining the intended impact on an area are mission-critical steps to developing an innovation district master plan.  Understanding Needs to…

Get to Know Downtown Winston-Salem

Defined by winding greenways, eclectic art galleries, relaxed restaurants, stately architecture and lively outdoor hangouts, Winston-Salem’s downtown areas are distinct in their personalities and characters. Discover a few of the multiple personalities and noteworthy neighborhoods in the city’s center. Arts District The heart of Winston-Salem’s…

How ReMDO Changes the Game for Regenerative Medicine Startups

In regenerative medicine, coming up with successful treatments for critical needs is the primary challenge. But, once those developments are researched, tested and perfected, what comes next? Getting treatments to patients. Successful technology must be standardized and scalable to make its way to the marketplace:…

GIID’s Q&A on its Global Network and The Innovation Quarter

The Global Network of Innovation Districts is a group of leaders from 23 innovation districts—including representatives from the Innovation Quarter—focused on developing individual districts and advancing the innovation district model. The Global Institute on Innovation Districts (GIID) designed the Global Network to connect worldwide district…

Dr. Anthony Atala Talks Regenerative Medicine

For over a decade, Winston-Salem has been the premier hub for regenerative medicine. Thanks to organizations like the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM), a team of 400 subject matter experts in bioprinting, tissue engineering, and cell and gene therapy working on more than…

Global Network of Innovation Districts Chose iQ as a Member

The Global Institute on Innovation Districts (GIID) formally launched its Global Network of Innovation Districts in March 2022. Its purpose is to facilitate collaboration among established and emerging innovation districts so they can learn and grow. This network and many other initiatives point to an…

How Winston-Salem is Becoming a Hub for Regenerative Medicine

What if life-saving treatments didn’t depend on the availability of donor organs or finding a compatible match? What if we could renew the functionality of dysfunctional or diseased cells, tissues or organs through new growth and cell production? These “what ifs” are just a glimpse…

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