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Grow The Personal Brand: Allan Younger Answers Your Questions

With a thriving community of thinkers, doers and makers, the Innovation Quarter’s vibrancy comes from its diversity—a broad mix of creatives, entrepreneurs, scientists, students and executives. Every day is flurry of activity from the Small Business Center Launch Challenge Showcase to Venture Café Winston-Salem’s Thursday…

A Newbie’s Guide to Venture Café

As a recent college graduate and being fairly new to Winston-Salem, I had heard the name Venture Café many times. Its programming is well-known for connecting innovators and entrepreneurs. I was very curious about the Thursday Gatherings, but also a bit apprehensive as a “newbie.”…

Bailey Park: The Innovation Quarter’s Front Lawn Story

It’s been eight years since Bailey Park opened to the public in April 2015, and every year there are more events, more activity, more pups chasing frisbees, more students studying for finals in the sun. In the grand scheme of what the Innovation Quarter has…

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