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Top Innovation Districts Find Partnerships that Drive Growth

The most robust and impactful innovation districts are anchors within their communities, but they don’t achieve greatness independently. Strategic partnerships—both public and private—are vital to growing innovation districts and helping them thrive. Key Benefits of Partnerships Organizations have different strengths—some are exemplary at fundraising and…

Diversity and Inclusion in Innovation Districts

Not unlike the innovation process, collaboration and diversity play a role in advancing inclusion. However, realizing a genuine sense of inclusion also requires intention. Leading innovation districts are built on strategies where inclusion is woven into all aspects of its development—and it shows. These areas…

Top 3 Innovation District Best Practices

Innovation districts are popping up across the world, dismantling the norms of the workaday world and breathing new life into under-performing spaces. However, many underestimate what goes into establishing one that can drive such transformative disruption. It isn’t just about reinventing shared physical spaces—it’s about…

What Is an Innovation District?

What You Need to Know About Innovation Districts Visit almost any thriving metropolitan area, and you’ll notice at least one thing they have in common—a section of the city that’s buzzing with activity. Here you’ll find professionals, students and families mingling amongst each other; buildings…

5 Ways the Coal Pit Invigorates Winston-Salem

The Coal Pit at the Innovation Quarter once housed—you guessed it—the coal that fueled the factories and warehouses of R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. For decades, this massive energy generator fed Winston-Salem's economy as well—employing men and women alike, including a large percentage from the Black…

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