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Triad Power Players Include 13 Innovation Quarter Connections

The Triad Business Journal just released the 2017 Triad Power Players. These are the individuals in our region who, according to the Triad Business Journal, use their influence "to champion truly catalytic efforts, to put their reputations and dollars at risk and to execute plans…

Innovation Quarter Zipcar: New Paths for Urban Mobility

Zipcar, a community car-sharing service, recently arrived at Wake Forest Innovation Quarter and is already forging new paths for downtown mobility in Winston-Salem. A staple for urban-dwellers in large cities throughout the United States, Zipcar is an affordable and eco-friendly alternative to the use of…

People of the Innovation Quarter: Meet Amy Creason

Amy Creason is a transplant, one of the many people brought to Winston-Salem by the revitalization of downtown. This transplant has taken to the City of Arts and Innovation like a fish to water, like a fundraiser to shaving heads. Don’t worry; we’ll get to…

Winston-Salem Heart & Stroke Walk: Blazing a New Trail Together

Two colors will join the autumn landscape in downtown Winston-Salem this October. Red and white caps from the American Heart Association will dot the crowd of walkers who come to support their community at the Winston-Salem Heart & Stroke Walk. This year, attendees will walk…

Start-up Community Introduced 2 New Members

A strong innovation ecosystem requires a vibrant start-up community. In a city dedicated to “arts and innovation” and founded on entrepreneurs like the early Moravian settlers, R.J. Reynolds and the Hanes brothers, it is only fitting to carry on the city’s entrepreneurial legacy through a…

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