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Elite Movement: Building a Stronger You

We’ve all experienced it–the nagging injury, the strained muscles, the pains we associate with “normal” aging or being too active. We’ve all had something that limits our physical activity, whether that activity is as intense as running a marathon or as simple as carrying groceries. …

Encore Bank: When Your Banker Is Also a Neighbor

It’s 4 pm on a Friday, and you’re facing a dilemma. It’s a little last-minute. Do you send that text message or not? You finally decide to press send, but you quickly follow up your request with another message:  “But I hate to interrupt your…

iSpy in the iQ: Photos from the iQ Community

iSpy with my little eye…a smokestack! Or maybe it’s a cheesy slice of Cugino Forno pizza. You may think you’re too old to play “I Spy” games, but in the era of cell phones and social media, we’re all participating in one big game of…

Who’s in the Building: Bailey South

Picture this: You’re walking down the sloping sidewalk on Patterson Avenue, past Bailey Power Plant, looking at the cutest dog playing in Bailey Park across the street. You look up at the twin smokestacks. Just how high are those? Your gaze drops down and you…

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