RegenMed Hub’s Innovation Ecosystem

…of regenerative medicine treatments while maximizing safety and efficacy. The RegenMed Hub creates a unique environment of collaboration and innovation. By harnessing the collective power of a multi-disciplined team of…

Dr. Anthony Atala Talks Regenerative Medicine

…arm within Charlotte, NC-based Atrium Health, one of the top five health care systems, creates an innovation corridor with powerhouse potential.” A number of regenerative medicine startups and established companies…

5 Networking Tips For Small Business Owners

…the Power of Volunteering Volunteering or contributing to specialized organizations can be a powerful way to expand your network. By actively engaging in the organization’s initiatives, you showcase your dedication…

Center for Healthcare Innovation Unites Research and Care

…to provide personalized health interventions. Powered by the Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) platform from the Center for Healthcare Innovation, it captures real-time data to inform clinical decisions and deliver personalized…

Start-up Community Introduced 2 New Members

…for tracking and encouraging transparency and efficiency. Scout IoT, Piedmont Triad, designs wireless sensors for commercial building control and manufacturing plants that are used for condition monitoring and alerts. Petrics,…

Long Branch Trail

…not disturb wildlife or plants that grow along the trail. Slow down, yield or stop at intersections. Cyclists: Must stay on paved trail. Must observe 10 mph speed limit. Must…

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