Winston-Salem-based Charter Medical announced today it has established its new Innovation Hub in downtown Winston-Salem’s Innovation Quarter.
The Innovation Hub features a state-of-the-art lab space where single-use studies for freezing, transportation, and protection will be performed to support the biopharma industry’s cold chain logistics process. Charter’s single-use engineering team continues to focus their decades of expertise on material development, performance, and analysis to support the development of critical therapies.
Charter Medical joins the Innovation Quarter’s growing roster of biotechnology companies focused on solutions in the regenerative medicine space. Located at One Technology Place, the Innovation Hub will serve as Charter’s downtown location. Charter’s company headquarters, located 10 miles away on West Point Boulevard, employs over 160 full-time workers.
One Technology Place is a 100,000 sq. ft. building outfitted with lab and office space designed for researching, developing and scaling the most innovative healthtech solutions.

“We are excited to expand Charter Medical’s footprint to downtown Winston-Salem to support our customers’ needs to accelerate the commercialization of advanced therapies for improving patient care,” said Jeff Robertson, Charter Medical President. “We look forward to expanding our services and capabilities to support our growing customer base and the thriving Innovation Quarter ecosystem of regenerative medicine. This location affords us the ability to recruit from the growing pool of talent and utilize the array of amenities that are curated for tenants of the innovation district.”
The opening of the Charter Medical Innovation Hub in the Innovation Quarter continues a steady line of companies in the regenerative medicine and cell therapy space that have been attracted downtown thanks to initiatives driven by the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM) and the RegenMed Development Organization (ReMDO), which, together with Innovation Quarter, make up the RegenMed Hub in downtown Winston-Salem.
“We are thrilled about Charter Medical’s expansion into Innovation Quarter, said Isaac Perry, Head of Biotech and Life Science Ecosystem Development for Innovation Quarter and Greater Winston-Salem, Inc. “They bring deep strategic expertise in emerging biotechnology and have the opportunity to play a critical role both in leading and supporting ecosystem growth and RegenMed Hub partners. Their investment into this district is affirming of Innovation Quarter’s value proposition, and we are so excited to have them grow with us.”
One of the fastest growing intersections of biotechnology innovation and business in the nation – the RegenMed Hub – can be found in the bustling downtown Winston-Salem where WFIRM, the world’s largest regenerative medicine research facility, anchors the south end of the Innovation Quarter district, which is focused on research, biomedical science education, and business.
This hub brings together and draws upon the resources and talent available through the Innovation Quarter and includes regenerative medicine focused entities such as ReMDO and Charter Medical that are dedicated to advancing the field nationwide. A number of regenerative medicine start-ups and established companies already operate in the RegenMed Hub and the region, offering expansive resources for entrepreneurs and life science professionals.